Craig Vogt, Inc.
Ocean & Coastal Environmental Consulting
Hacks Neck, Virginia
June 2022
Provides environmental consulting for regulatory and non-regulatory issues dealing with the wide range of ocean and coastal environmental issues. In recent years, international projects related to disposal of mine tailings in marine waters and environmental management of deep seabed mining have been undertaken. Other projects have included such areas as dredging and dredged material management, sediment management, beneficial use of dredged material, clean-up of contaminated sediments, coastal watershed environmental management and ecosystem restoration, and coastal resilience assessment and planning through system-wide approaches.
Additional projects have focused upon the socioeconomic and environmental effects of erosion upon shoreline management and infrastructure, and coastal protection from storm damage including assessment of the impacts of climate change.
Services include environmental risk assessment, policy and regulatory analysis, and addressing stakeholder comments on regulatory actions including design and facilitation of workshops. Depending upon the issue, application of environmental knowledge/experience from USA environmental policy and regulations and international regulatory programs (i.e., London Convention & Protocol) has been provided in international, national, and local assessments and studies.
Prior to consulting, Craig Vogt was employed at U.S. EPA in Washington, DC, the last 20 years of which were in EPA headquarters as Deputy Director of EPA’s Ocean and Coastal Protection Division. Responsibilities included regulatory and non-regulatory programs for ocean and coastal water protection with a focus upon development and implementation of the National Dredged Material Management Regulations and implementation of the National Program. Actions included monitoring programs, environmental assessment, and outreach with a wide array of stakeholders. Mr. Vogt was responsible for ecosystem restoration planning and remediation in the 28 National Estuary Programs across the USA under the Clean Water Act.
Notable Products
- Deep Seabed Mining: Environmental Assessment and Management Guidelines. Step-by-Step Process to Evaluate Applications for Deep Seabed Mining, 2022.
- National Shoreline Management Study. Primary author for Reports for Hawaii, California, each of the five Great Lakes, and Alaska. 2022.
- Control and Prevention of Microplastics in Waste Streams Dumped at Sea–The London Convention & Protocol–Accomplishments and Needed Actions. 2020.
- Environmental Management Framework for Deep Sea Mining, for the government of the Cook Islands. 2019.
- Low Technology Low Cost Monitoring Guidance for Navigation Projects: Monitoring Ocean Disposal of Dredged Material. 2014-2015. Prepared for Secretariat of London Convention & Protocol. https://www.imo.org/en/OurWork/Environment/Pages/Resources-default.aspx
- International Assessment of Marine and Riverine Disposal of Mine Tailings Report. 2013. Prepared for the Secretariat of the London Convention & Protocol.
- The Application of Adaptive Management to Ecosystem Restoration Projects. USACE Technical Note. ERDC TN-EMRRP-EBA-10, April 2012.
- Confined Aquatic Disposal in Marine Waters of Contaminated Dredged Material, 2009. Prepared for Environment Canada.
Sample Clients and Projects
Management and Marine Disposal of Mine Tailings; Environmental Assessment and Management for Deep Seabed Mining
- Coordinator/facilitator of international work group developing International Guidelines for Best Management Practices for Disposal of Mine Tailings in Marine Waters. 2021-on-going.
- Member of WODA (World Organization of Dredging Associations) Working Group on Management of Environmental Effects of Deep Sea Mining. 2022.
- Cook Islands Government. Preparation of an Environmental Management Framework for Deep Sea Mining. 2019.
- Participation in Deep Sea Mining Workshop on Environmental Risk Assessment of Deep-Sea Mining; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA. November 2018. Follow-up activity: drafted Framework (for ISA) to Evaluate Environmental Aspects of Applications for Deep Sea Mining. January 2019.
- RCF Management LLC; Due Diligence Assessment for Potential Investors in a New Mine in Norway; Issue: Environmental and Social Impacts of Mine Tailings Disposal in a Norwegian Fjord. 2018.
- IMO, London Convention & Protocol. GESAMP (IMO) Workshop on the Impact of Mine Tailings Discharges on the Marine Environment. Lima, Peru. June 2015. Assisted in workshop design, was a workshop moderator, and prepared the workshop proceedings. 2016.
- Compañía Minera del Pacífico S.A.; Delivered a technical paper in a workshop in Husaco, Chile, on international regulations and guidance on marine discharge of mine tailings. Workshop title: Depositing the Tailings from the Pellets Plant in Chapaco Bay and its Relationship with the Life of the Community of Huasco, Chile. December 2016.
- IMO, London Convention & Protocol. Developed draft guidance document on Best Management Practices for Marine Disposal of Mine Tailings. 2015.
- Antofagasta Mining and Compañía Minera del Pacífico S.A. Provided environmental advice on international regulations for marine disposal of mine tailings. 2013-2016.
- International Maritime Organization (IMO), Secretariat of London Convention & Protocol. International Assessment of Marine and Riverine Disposal of Mine Tailings Report. November 2013.
Coastal and Ecosystem Restoration and Resiliency
- USACE, Institute of Water Resources; National Shoreline Management Study: Economic and Environmental Effects of Erosion and Accretion on U.S. Shorelines, including Sediment and Shoreline Management, and Governance. 2012-2022. As the primary author, reports were prepared for the California shoreline, the five Great Lakes, Hawaii, and Alaska. Reports assess the extent of erosion and accretion of sediments, the economic and ecosystem impacts, the impacts of climate change, and approaches for protection of coastal infrastructure working towards resilient shorelines.
- General Dynamics Information Technology Inc. Assessment of Adaptive Management Plan for Ecological Restoration of Lake Erie. 2020.
- Battelle. Evaluation of USACE Proposed Ecosystem Restoration of the Hudson-Raritan Estuary. 2017. The $644 million project focused upon wetlands, habitat for waterbirds, coastal and maritime forests, oyster reefs, eelgrass beds, shorelines and shallows, and habitat for fish, crab, and lobsters. Participant on Independent Expert Review Panel.
- USACE. Preparation of USACE Tech Note: The Application of Adaptive Management to Ecosystem Restoration Projects. USACE Technical Note. ERDC TN-EMRRP-EBA-10, April 2012.
- USACE, Institute of Water Resources: “Gulf of Mexico Shoreline Management.” An initial assessment of shoreline and sediment management in the Gulf of Mexico, to be one chapter in the National Shoreline Management Report to Congress. 2011.
Dredging and Dredged Material Management
- World Organization of Dredging Organizations (WODA); Represent WODA at annual Meetings of the Parties and at annual Scientific Group Meetings of IMO’s London Convention and Protocol. 2010-ongoing.
- Battelle. Participant on Independent Expert Review Panel of USACE navigation dredging projects. Comprehensive review of environmental issues for each project, including the associated EIA and supporting documents, such as biological opinions on endangered species, air quality impacts, and whether stakeholder concerns were adequately addressed.
- Review of Environmental Risks of Proposed Calumet River Dredging Project in Illinois; 2019-2020.
- Review of Environmental Risks of Proposed Matgorda Dredging Project in Texas; 2018-2019.
- Review of Environmental Risks of Proposed Redwood City Dredging Project in SF Bay. 2015.
- U.S.EPA. Revision of Dredged Material Testing, Evaluation, and Management Manual. 2015.
- North American Port Infrastructure LLC, “Independent technical review of environmental permitting issues (dredging, ESA, EFH, emissions, water and sediment quality) of coal export project on the Columbia River.” 2012.
- USACE: “Development of a Tracking Systems for USACE Districts to Report Quantities and Types of Beneficial Use of Dredged Material from Navigation Dredging Projects.” 2011.
- U.S. EPA: “Update of the National Dredging Team Action Plan (e.g., dredged material testing, beneficial use of dredged material, ESA, EFH).” 2011-2012.
- USACE, Buffalo District: “The Cleveland Harbor Dredging Summit 2010.” Designed, facilitated, and prepared proceedings of two-day Summit. Cleveland’s CDFs are almost full, and the summit addressed alternatives including lake disposal, CDF disposal and management, and beneficial uses.
- Great Lakes Commission (GLC): “Beneficially Using Dredged Materials to Create/Restore Habitat and Restore Brownfields, and Successful Team Collaborative Efforts Success.”
- Texas A&M Dredging Course. Invited speaker. EPA and the Environmental Aspects of Dredging. Speaker at the annual one-week course. 1992-present.
Remediation of Contaminated Sediments
- Environment Canada. Preparation of National Guidance: Contaminated Sediments Cleanup Manual. 2016-ongoing.
- Bean Consulting, Assessment of Environmental Dredging Residuals and Resuspension of Contaminants at San Jacinto Superfund Site. 2016-2017.
- Intelligence Group. Willamette River Superfund Site–Regulatory/permit issues. 2015.
Climate Change
- Ice911 Research Corporation. Technical and Regulatory Assistance in Preparation of an Application for a Research Permit from EPA for Climate Change Research (Preservation and Enhancing Ice in the Arctic Ocean) in Ocean Waters in Alaska. 2018.
- L3/Harris Technologies. Evaluation of Permit Requirements for Waste Disposal into Ocean Waters from Batteries Using Saltwater. 2021-2022.
International Ocean and Coastal Issues
- International Maritime Organization, Secretariat of London Convention & Protocol. Marine Litter and Plastics: Prepared Report: Control and Prevention of Microplastics in Waste Streams Dumped at Sea–The London Convention & Protocol–Accomplishments and Needed Actions. 2020 (in press).
- Environment Canada for the International Maritime Organization (i.e., United Nations). Preparation of International Guidance for Site Selection for Disposal of Navigation Project Dredged Material (and Other Wastes) into Ocean Waters. 2017-2021. Prepared for Secretariat of London Convention & Protocol.
- International Maritime Organization, Secretariat of London Convention 1972; Primary author of Manual on the London Convention & Protocol: What is it? How Does it Work? What are the Benefits to Each Country? 2016.
- Environment Canada and International Maritime Organization, Low Technology Low Cost Monitoring Guidance for Navigation Projects: Monitoring Ocean Disposal of Dredged Material. 2014-2015. Prepared for Secretariat of London Convention & Protocol.
- Environment Canada and International Maritime Organization, Low Cost, Low Technology Compliance Monitoring. 2016. Prepared for Secretariat of London Convention & Protocol.
- International Maritime Organization, Secretariat of London Convention 1972; “Instructor, Workshop for Chilean Government on International Requirements and Guidelines of the London Protocol for Disposal of Dredged Material in Marine Waters.” Vina del Mar, Chile. November 2013.
- Environment Canada. “Development of Canadian Site Selection Guidance for Disposal of Dredged Material in Coastal Waters.” 2013.
- Environment Canada: “International Review of Aquatic Confined Disposal Cells Used for Disposal of Navigation Project Dredged Material 2009.”
Experience at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC
Deputy Director, Oceans and Coastal Protection Division
- Manager/supervisor of a Division consisting of 50 scientists and technical and policy staff for implementing EPA’s regulatory/non-regulatory responsibilities for protecting ocean/coastal water quality, including programs under the Clean Water Act, Ocean Dumping Act, and international treaties.
- Regulatory programs included:
- The National Dredged Material Management Program, including water quality and sediment testing requirements, impact assessment, monitoring, and disposal site designation through NEPA and state partners.
- The National Ocean Dumping Permit Program (including international treaty negotiations).
- Vessel discharges including cruise ships; vessels to artificial reefs; and
- Wastewater discharges to coastal waters.
- Non-regulatory programs included restoration and enhancement of coastal and estuarine resources under the National Estuary Program (NEP). Twenty-eight locally driven estuarine watershed programs across the U.S. prepared comprehensive plans and carried out actions working for long term goals of estuarine health and resilience of coastal resources. Other non-regulatory issues addressed coral reefs; invasive species; ports and the marine transportation system; monitoring and environmental assessment of coastal and ocean waters; and management of EPA’s 225-foot Ocean Survey Vessel Bold.
- Led the USA delegation of USA government representatives to meetings of the Scientific Group of the London Convention & Protocol from 1991 to 2004, when he was elected Chair of the Scientific Group and served for a maximum of four years.
Other US EPA Experience
Deputy Director, Drinking Water Criteria and Standards Division
- Responsibilities were to set national drinking water standards/regulations to protect human health, based upon technical and economic evaluations of treatment technologies for contaminants in drinking water and the potential toxicity of the contaminants.
Environmental Engineer, Effluent Guidelines Division,
- Developed national technology-based wastewater standards/regulations for the pulp and paper industry based upon the best available technology economically achievable.
Environmental Engineer, U.S. EPA, Seattle, Washington
- Conducted monitoring and environmental assessment field work collecting samples from industrial and municipal wastewater discharges and from rivers, bays, and estuaries.
- Master of Science Degree: Environmental Engineering, Oregon State University
- Bachelor of Science Degree: Civil Engineering, Oregon State University
- Registered/Licensed Professional Engineer, Virginia (expired)
Notable Positions and Activities
- Member, Deep Sea Mining Workgroup. World Organization of Dredging Associations. 2022-on-going.
- Current Chair, Environmental Commission, World Organization of Dredging Associations
- Chair, Scientific Group of the London Convention & Protocol (LC/LP) LC/LP are international treaties under the United Nations controlling the dumping of wastes into ocean waters. 2004-2007. Facilitated negotiations between 30-40 countries implementing the London Convention Treaty to control dumping of wastes in the oceans. Elected by meeting delegates each year for maximum of four years.
- Head, U.S.A. Delegation to London Convention & Protocol Meetings, 1991-2003. Led a diverse team of federal government representatives to annual Scientific Group Meetings negotiating ocean dumping treaty implementation issues, with the primary focus upon dredged material management.
- Co-Chair with Corps of Engineers, National Dredging Team (NDT), 1995-2008. The NDT is a federal interagency partnership with objectives to be a forum for resolution of dredged material management issues. Issues addressed:
- Dredged material testing and environmental assessment manuals (Green Book and Inland Testing Manual)
- Beneficial use of dredged material and regional sediment management
- Environmental windows, endangered species, and essential fish habitat
- State coastal zone enforceable policies for dredged material
- Regional Dredging Teams-facilitate and support operations
- Member, Interagency Committee on the Marine Transportation System (MTS), 1995-2004. Provided support for Cabinet Level CMTS, 2004-2008. Environmental aspects of the port operations and development, including water, air pollution, and solid wastes.
- Chair, Environmental Commission, Western Dredging Association, 1994-present
- Member, Board of Directors, Western Dredging Association, 1992-present
- Member, Board of Directors, Coastal America Foundation, 1998-2016
Awards and Recognition
- Lifetime Achievement Award. Western (i.e., hemisphere) Dredging Association. 2019.
- IHS Dredging and Port Construction Innovation Award for Service to the Industry. 2016.
- William R. Murden Award for Lifetime Public Service Achievement. Awarded by Dredging Contractors of America, May 2008.
- EPA Distinguished Career Award. January 2008.
- EPA Gold Medal. June 2007. Recognizing international efforts in the International Maritime Organization’s London Convention’s Scientific Group and policy meetings.
- National Leadership Award. Coastal America, 2004. Recognizing contributions in protecting and restoring coastal water resources.
- Dredger of the Year. Western Dredging Association (WEDA), 2000.
- Coastal America Lifetime Contributions Award. September 2008.
- Hammer Award from Vice President Gore, 1996, for contributions to “fixing” the U.S. government to make it more efficient and effective.
- Numerous Bronze & Silver Medals from U.S. EPA.
Technical Papers
As an indicator of project experience, knowledge and expertise, sample relevant publications include:
- Environmental Management Framework for Deep Seabed Nodule Mining. Proceedings of the World Organization of Dredging Associations XXIII Congress and Exhibition, 2022. Copenhagen, Denmark. 16-20 May 2022.
- An Emerging Environmental Issue: Marine Discharge of Mine Tailings. Handbook on Marine Environment Protection, Encyclopedia of Science, Impacts and Sustainable Management; Volume 1 and Volume 2; Springer International Publishing AG. 2018.
- The New Canadian Site Selection Guidance for Disposal at Sea. Presented at Western Dredging Conference, Toronto, Canada. June 2014.
- Dredging Practices and Environmental Considerations. A section in the Springer Encyclopedia. Robert A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4419-0851-3, # Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2014.
- The Application of Adaptive Management to Ecosystem Restoration Projects. USACE Technical Note. ERDC TN-EMRRP-EBA-10, April 2012.
- International Assessment of the Disposal of Contaminated Dredged Material in Ocean and Estuarine Waters. Journal of Dredging Engineering, April 2011.
- Making It Happen: Management of Dredged Material and Sediment in the Watershed. Edited by Craig Vogt. International Dredging Review, 2008.
- The London Convention and the United States’ National Dredging Team: Implementation Tools for Dredged Material Management. Proceedings of the Western Dredging Association Conference; 2006.
- Environmental Concerns Related to Dredging and Disposal and EPA’s Actions for Protection of Aquatic Habitat. Proceedings of Coastal Zone Conference; 2005.
- The United States’ National Dredging Team’s Dredged Material Management Action Plan for the Next Decade. Proceedings of the World Organization of Dredging Congresses International Conference; Hamburg, Germany; October 2004.
- Overcoming Obstacles to Beneficial Use of Dredged Material. Edited: Craig Vogt. published by the Environmental Commission–Western Dredging Association; July 1997.
- Evaluation of Dioxin-Contaminated Dredged Material. Proceedings-Western Dredging Association 1995.